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At FarmingIT we have all the technology to print, laminate and bind our own maps and full colour reports. 


All our services include the cost of production of paper maps and bound reports.

Laminating is the only extra we charge for.

Reprints of maps are charged at the following rates:

Paper Size Dimensions colour print laminate
  (mm) (per page) (per page)
A4 210 X 297 $0.75 $2.20
A3 297 X 420 $1.50 $3.30
A2 420 X 594 $11.00 $11.00
A1 594 X 841 $22.00 $17.60


Meredith community printing promotion.

FarmingIT normally produce farm maps and plans, but our equipment is equally suited to your favourite photos!

For every photo or piece of your child’s artwork that we either print or laminate, we will donate 20% of the cost to Meredith Primary School.

We can print from just about any type of disk or storage card, or you can email us your images.

We can print within 5mm of the top, and sides of the paper and 15mm of the bottom.

Please don’t ask us to copy copyrighted images (school photos, posters etc)!!

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