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Do you want to create yield maps from your yield monitor, but don't have time to learn how to operate the software?

Does your harvest contractor have the ability to give you yield data, but you don't know what to do with it?

If your answer is 'yes' to either of these questions, then FarmingIT have the solution.

Using Farm Works Software we are able to read and write data to most of the common yield cards.

We can supply you with data cards at the beginning of harvest, pre-programmed with your farm, paddock and crop details.

At convenient intervals during harvest you send us back the card for downloading.

At the end of harvest you get:

        Printed report containing harvest reports and maps

        USB with backup of data, & standard map files 

        Data uploaded into a Free Trimble Farm Starter account

We currently support the following yield mapping systems:

  1. All John Deere formats (including GS4)
  2. AGCO Fieldstar & GTA
  3. Ag Leader
  4. CaseNH Voyager
  5. Cat / Claas Lexion
  6. RDS
  7. Microtrack
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