August 2000 - Since our arrival

Things have been rather chaotic since our arrival (my excuse for it taking over a month to get this live on the web).  Many thanks to all our friends who have eased the chaos of settling down.  Tim, Gea and family put up with us for a week or so while we sorted ourselves out. 

We are very fortunate and grateful to Bill and Thea, who are letting us live in their flat and provide work as and it fits in. 


We have found ourselves a beautiful 3 bedroomed house on ¾ acre near Lang Lang (I challenge you to find that on your atlases!).  Settlement date is the 2nd October assuming all goes to plan.  Thanks to Mark Sewell, the estate agent from Ray Whites, Koo Wee Rup (see, I told you I’d put you on the web).  Unfortunately, I don’t have any photos of the house – it hammered it down with rain last time we went over there. 


We also have a permanent postal address:

PO Box 93
Lang Lang
VIC 3984

We have also managed to find a ‘run around car’ for me – NO not a Metro, although it is red!  It’s a 1983 3.5l V8 Range Rover that is immaculate (for it’s age).  Fred’s pretty happy! 

We are also in the process of setting up our own company, Landmark Solutions.  We intend to initially run the Magnascan soil mapping system that Fred developed with Solutech in the UK (see 

In between all of this, I also managed to finally catch a glimpse of the Olympic torch. 

We also spent a weekend with Gaye, Warwick and family, helping them move to their new house in Emerald.  The house is absolutely massive and has the most amazing views. 

As family know, we have a brief return to the UK from 14-26 September.  We’re hoping to be in Devon from 14-20ish September, the rest of the time we will be hopping around Bedfordshire and London so see you all then. 

I intend to add snippets to this page as and when they happen (at least until I run out of webspace).  So keep an eye out for updates but don’t hold your breath.


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Website created by Jo Peters
Page last updated 31 August 2000 by Jo Peters

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