Monday 19 June 2000

Drove the little used and rather overgrown track from Coppin’s Gap to Kitty’s Gap, where a fairly rough track leads through the gap and onto the plains on the other side.  Returned to gravel roads, only to find that the road out to Shays Gap (a short cut to the Great Northern Highway) was closed. 

Back tracked to the Marble Bar road and took a different turnoff that cut off a little of the corner.  Mostly good track, with the odd washout (one we hit far too fast and the stove casing is now rather battered – fortunately no apparent damage to the vehicle).  The Degrey River crossing was fairly interesting, despite the concrete spillway.  It wasn’t all that deep, but there was an extremely strong current. 

Back on the Great Northern Highway, we commenced on the long haul to Broome, thinking that the day’s excitements were over.  But… some 60km north of Sandfire Roadhouse we stopped to see if the guys beside a stopped Jackaroo 4WD were OK.  Which they weren’t.  The radiator hose had blown and they hadn’t noticed until the engine stopped.  No replacement hose, so they definitely needed a tow even if the engine is still a runner.  Hummed and haahed and ultimately decided that we might as well tow it to Broome rather than go back to the Sandfire Roadhouse, as they might not be able to help out. 

So we set off on the next 340 or so km to Broome at a more sedate pace with 2 English guys (Paul and Wayne) and a Swiss guy (Martin) in tow.  Just about dark by the time we arrived in the town.  Located Roebuck Bay Caravan park on the map and drove twice around town as I took a wrong turning!  Van park very full.  Just enough room to squeeze our tents onto a very dusty patch.  Cramped, noisy, filthy toilet and shower block (and quite expensive) – all in all not a great introduction to Broome. 

We were, however, in time to view the ‘Staircase to the Moon’.  A reflection of the rising moon on the mud flats left by low tide.  Investigated the small market held in honour of this phenomenon.  Good Asian food.  Spent the rest of the evening chatting with Paul, Wayne and Martin.



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Page last updated 20 June 2000 by Jo Peters

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