Saturday 3 June 2000

Finally left Carnarvon.  Headed East, away from the coast, down gravel roads. 

We detoured to visit Rocky Pool (a more or less permanent pool) on the usually dry Gascoyne River.  Apparently, the riverbed is dry most of the time along large stretches of the river and the water itself flows underground.  This area has had a great deal of rain recently and there is evidence of a fair amount of water damage.  I think that we were quite lucky because the council only removed the ‘road closed’ sign 2 days ago (although the road has apparently been open for a week or so).  Anyhow, Rocky Pool was a pleasant spot although the water was very cold.  There were a couple of people camped there (one set had a HUGE bus) so we didn’t stop long. 

Continued on to Gascoyne Junction and called in for fuel to top up and for a pie stop (for Fred, not me).  The pub had a great piccie on the wall showing about 4 feet of flood water being held back bu a bund around the hotel and fuel station.  It looked close to going over!  The river crossing at Gascoyne Junction still had water over the causeway, so Fred had to have a little play – claiming that he had to wash off all of the coastal salt! 

We left the 4 or so houses that make up GJ behind us and made tracks for the Kennedy Range.  Not a mountain range as such, but an eroded limestone plateau.  We explored the National Park.  Lots of gorges, cliffs and some interesting rock formations – presumably the result of erosion.  There were apparently fossils to be found in several areas, but we couldn’t spot any (correction: we saw some fossilised burrows). 

We had a pleasant ‘toddle’ up a couple of the gorges and met a couple of Aussies as we were making our way down.  Landrover enthusiasts as well.  Had a good long chat and returned to the carpark to drive around to the camping area.  Had a great evening chatting to James and Michael from Adelaide (the guys we met up the gorge).  Extremely interesting and we learnt how to cook a roast in a camp oven.  Perhaps we ought to purchase one, but then Fred will nag me to make bread!  (too much work without a Magimix!  But probably worth it!).



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Page last updated 10 June 2000 by Jo Peters

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